UMAX: Looksmax your face with AI

The #1 UMAX app. Just Snap & Transform your face with looks maxing.

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UMAX - Unlock Your True Looks Potential with a looksmaxing app

Key features:

  • Comprehensive Face Analysis: Dive deep into your facial aesthetics with front, angle, and side selfies
  • Objective Attractiveness Ratings: Get AI-powered assessments on masculinity, skin quality, jawline, cheekbones, and overall potential
  • Face Shape Recognition: Discover your face shape for tailored looks maxing advice
  • Eye Detail Analysis: Eye color, type, and canthal tilt - get the lowdown on your eyes
  • Personalized Improvement Tips: Tailored suggestions to elevate your facial aesthetics
  • Exclusive Looksmaxing Insights: Access cutting-edge looks maxing strategies to maximize your appearance

Wanna level up your game?

Download our umax app and let us help you lil bro!